A very well done CDT Donald, CDT Baker, CPL Morrison and our two Nijmegan veterans, SGT Rowles and SGT Iftikhar for their efforts at the Garelochead roach marching practice last weekend. After finishing the 50km in the biting cold all the new cadets have a real understanding of what road marching is really like. It’s...
At this time of year, 470 Squadron takes time to reflect on the sacrifice made by the members of our Armed Forces and those that have died in conflict to allow us the freedoms we enjoy each and every day. We provide an essential uniformed presence at a number of events supporting our local community:...
Things got a little spooky on Tuesday 31st October when Halloween fell on a parade night. As the September intake has been working hard on the Initial Cadet training course we took a break from the normal routine to have a...
A recent trip to RAF Kirknewton to complete the Part-Task Trainer syllabus resulted in a number of cadets being presented their Blue AEF Wings badge. Well done everyone! Cpl Kristian Tait Cdt Megan Fraser FS Eilidh Macintyre
Cadets from 470 Sqn attended the Cadet Inter-Services Small Arms Meet at Pirbright Barracks in Surrey this year and done extremely well. CISSAM sees the cream of the crop from all 3 Cadet Forces battle it out for the coveted Cadet 50 badges which indicate you are one of the top shots in the UK....
470 returned to the West Scotland Wing Annual Competition this year after missing last years event and we completely exceeded our expectations. The competition was fierce, especially in the Modelling competitions where the standards were very high. We managed to go home with the Wing Media and Diorama modelling trophies and a haul of...
On Saturday 23rd September cadets and staff supported the annual Helix Duathlon which was hosted at the Helix Park in Falkirk. We have assisted Falkirk Community Trust with this event for a few years now so we were very happy to continue this relationship with Grangemouth Triathlon Club and assist with the marshalling duties on...
At the end of each summer 470 hosts its autumn recruitment event which sees our largest intake of cadets start at the Squadron. In 2016 we had 26 cadets join us from 5 different high schools so are looking to bring in even more young talent that can make the most of the opportunities the...
This summer two cadets from 470 (Falkirk) Squadron attended the annual STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) Camp at RAF Lossiemouth on the Morayshire coast. Cadet Rebecca Leishman and Kyle Sneddon were very fortunate to be selected for what proved to be an extremely rewarding course. Cdt Leishman explains more… The STEM residential course at RAF...
On Thursday evening, Cadets and staff from 470 joined their colleagues the rest of West Scotland Wing at the rehearsals for this years Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Thankfully good weather prevailed and everyone was treated to a fantastic spectacle on the Caste esplanade.