> Using natural and artificial materials to blend into the environment.
> Learning how to move stealthily and avoid detection.
> Moving safely in different formations (single file, staggered, arrowhead, etc.).
> Remaining aware of surroundings and communicating silently.
> Constructing bivouacs or bashas using natural materials and tarpaulins.
> Understanding safe and effective shelter locations.
> Using a map and compass for land navigation.
> Learning how to move using terrain features and pacing distances.
> Identifying potential threats or objectives.
> Using observation skills to spot changes in the environment.
> Basic field first aid, including treating wounds and shock.
> Emergency procedures for cold weather, heat exhaustion, and injuries.
> Using radios with proper call signs and protocols.
> Understanding the importance of clear and concise communication.
> Learning tactical movements such as fire and manoeuvre.
> Setting up defensive positions in field environments.
> Utilising blank firing L98A2 weapons for simulation purposes.