At last weeks RAF Valley Summer Camp, Cpl Andrew Macleod from 470 (Falkirk) Squadron was selected as “Best Cadet”. With this came the reward of a flight in a T2 Hawk aircraft from No 4 (R) Sqn. A once in lifetime experience for any cadet!
Andrew was up very early on Friday morning to go and get measured up for his flying kit, to then get a medical, go through a series of briefs on safety and what to do in the event of an emergency. He was given the VIP treatment by all of the staff at 4 Sqn and had a fantastic time. The whole day was totally surreal for him, particularly the flight itself which lasted over 1 hour. As the pilot put the Hawk through its paces Andrew enjoyed aerobatics and took in the “Mach Loop” in the Welsh valleys which is the famous low level flying practice area used by NATO air forces. The route is well known as at points the aircraft cockpit is level with aircraft enthusiasts perched on the hillsides so they get a fantastic view of the aircraft roaring past.
Here are some of the photos from the day.
If you are interested in the Mach Loop here is a fantastic video of it being flown by an RAF Typhoon!
[gdlr_video url=”” ]