470 (Falkirk) Squadron and our colleagues from 1333 (Grangemouth Spitfire) Squadron were very pleased to be invited to attend the memorial parade in commemoration of the centenary of the Quintinshill Rail Disaster,
On May 22nd 1915 a troop train carrying the 1/7th Leith regiment and elements of the Royal Scots which had earlier departed from Larbert station bound for Liverpool and the battlefields of europe hit a stationary train at Quintinshill outside Greta in Dumfries and Galloway. A few minutes later a Glasgow bound sleeper train hit the wreckage and ignited the gas tanks in the old wooden carriages which consumed all three trains in fire. The lost of life was significant and remains the worst rail disaster in British History.
The parade departed from Old Larbert Church yard at 18:30hrs and marched 1/4 mile to a ceremony at Larbert station presided over by Councillor William Buchanan and a number of dignitaries. A Civic Ceremony was then hosted at the Dobbie Hall for any participants where refreshments were available and the Forth Bridges accordion band and the Strathcarron Choir provided entertainment.
To find out more about the disaster please try these resources: