On Friday 6th Feb 2015 the Officer Commanding, Flying Officer Aubin Bryce was very pleased to award the latest promotions and awards to some of our cadets.
Promotion to Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) and Master Cadet Classification
It has been over 10 years since the Squadron has had a cadet rise to the rank of CWO and Flt Sgt Declan Kerr certainly deserves the accolade. CWO Kerr was also awarded his Master Cadet classification after completing the full ATC training syllabus and will join other Master Cadets on a future Cadet Method of Instruction Course (CMoI) to become Instructor cadets at the Squadron.
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
Sgt Sam Fraser was presented with his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award which adds to the successful tally of those progressing through the scheme with 470.
Master Cadet Classification
Cpl Sean Braeken-Grey was presented with his Master Air Cadet badge – another fantastic accomplishment and he will join CWO Kerr on the future CMoI course which allow both cadets the achieve Instructor Cadet status and allow them to wear the Yellow Lanyard.