At the end of April, 470 (Falkirk) Squadron had qualified for the finals of the Inter-Services small Bore competition at Lord Roberts Centre Bisley Surrey. Yet again the team members delivered under very difficult circumstances.
The competition itself is the two tops teams from each of the cadet services, RAF Air Cadets RAFAC , Army Cadet Force ACF & Sea Cadet Corp SCC. Unfortunately for RAFAC the other team from 1297 Sqdrn Stonehaven were unable to make the journey south. Thus 470 Sqdrn were there to represent the whole of the RAFAC, what an honor.
To say the near 890 Mile journey round trip by the Sqdrn mini bus was worth it is an understatement. Entering such competitions without the rifles the cadets are use too using , the team performed under the stewardship of head coach Mr. J. Docherty.
The Battle of Britain Trophy was won by the team (which is shot between the top two teams in RAFAC). Team Sgt Callum Carnie, Cpl Cieran Gray, Cdt Callum Fraser & Cdt Callum Horsburgh.
The Punch Trophy which is competed for by each service combining each of the services two teams. Thus we could not compete fully for the main trophy ( overall 470 had the second highest top score as a team). Team Sgt Callum Carnie, Cpl Cieran Gray, Cdt Callum Fraser & Cdt Callum Horsburgh.
Individual Top Marksman. The two targets shot for the Battle of Britain Competition & Punch Competition combine to make the individuals score. The competition was extremely tight. 470 Falkirk’s Sgt Callum Carnie scoring 94 & 94 giving a combined score of 188 was confirmed 1st Place individually.
The Shell Trophy is a very unique competition indeed. A diamond shape board with 12 individual clay discs (about the size of a ten pence piece) and a team of three firers . The team who shoots the discs of first wins or who has shoot of the most within the one minute time frame. We did manage to have two teams in the competition Team 470: of Team Sgt Callum Carnie, Cpl Cieran Gray, Cdt & Cdt Callum Horsburgh also with the help of the CCRS (Cadet Council Rifle Shooting) a combined Inter-Service team. Our other team members Cdt Callum Fraser, Cdt Ossian Macrae and a member for the North Region Sea Cadets.
Both teams performed brilliantly! Team 470 winning the Shell Trophy and the Inter-Service team who won the CCRS acclaim for their efforts.
These results of course would not be possible without the cadets time and dedication for the training carried out by Mr. J. Docherty & Sgt D. Buist.
Special thanks to the CCRS for their hospitality and support during the weekend competition.