May 26th 2023 saw Grandsable Cemetery outside Polmont host its first Commonwealth War Graves Commision Open Day. We were extremely happy to support our colleagues at 1333 (Grangemouth Spitfire) Squadron with the event. Here are some pictures from the event (All photo rights belong to the Commonwealth War Graves Commision – Original source
Today we’re at The Falkirk Wheel helping it celebrate its 21st birthday. Happy Birthday from 470 (Falkirk) Squadron ATC! Why not come along and see what we do and why we are the premier uniformed youth organisation.
Last week we had the great pleasure of welcoming Falkirk Provost, Mr Robert Bissett back to his old ATC squadron. Mr Bisset was a cadet with 470 between 1969 and 1971 and he looked back fondly at his time with the squadron and reflected on how being a cadet helped to shape the morals and...
Last night, some of our cadets and staff joined Falkirk Provost Robert Bisset to unveil a plaque to commemorate the planting of 8 silver birch trees at the Bainsford War Memorial. These trees are part of the squadron’s contribution to “The Queen’s Green Canopy” project, part of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. We...
470 have had a busy May bank holiday! 15 of our cadets were joined by friends from 1333 (Grangemouth, Spitfire), 867 (Denny), 449 (Lanark), and 132 (North Berwick) for a fun-filled weekend in Yorkshire. Based out of the Queen Elizabeth Army Barracks in Strensall, the cadets visited Eden Camp and Yorkshire Air Museum with enough...