470 Shooting Stars Triumph Again!

470’s shooting team’s have continued their recent run of success by defending the Scotland & Northern Ireland Regional Skill At Arms Trophy this year. With strong competition from seasoned teams at 1019 (Stirling) and 1297 (Stonehaven) Squadrons they edged the overall win for a second year in a row.

We also had two successful results in the Individual Competition with Cdt Baird and Cpl Wilson taking 2nd and 3rd places.

Congratulations to the team and especially the coaches, CI Joe Docherty and Sgt Derek Buist

The winning team

Individual Competition
1. F/Sgt Spalding 1019 Sqn
2. Cdt Baird 470 Sqn
3. Cpl Wilson 470 Sqn

Team Competition
1. 470A Falkirk Sqn
2. 1019 Stirling Sqn
3. 1297 Stonehaven Sqn