On Saturday 15th October staff and cadets visited the Secret bunker in Fife as part of our First Class training programme which the new ICT (Initial Cadet Training) flight are currently progressing through. The Secret Bunker is a very interesting attraction as it gives an insight into the history of the Cold War, how it impacted our world for 50 years and illustrates the part the RAF played, especially in Fife where RAF Leuchars was our primary Quick Reaction Alert base for many years.
The visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all parties and it was topped off by lunch at the award winning Anstruthur Fish Bar on the way home.
As always a big thankyou to the supporting staff who accompanied the 20 odd cadets:
- Fg.Off Aubin Bryce
- Plt Off Marc Esson
- CI Erin McKirdy
- CI Declan Kerr